Character, Item, and Level Services
Ladder and Non-Ladder **THIS IS NOT FOR D2:Resurrected!!!!!**
Full Build: $25*
Includes level 1-85
Fully geared to your specs or mine, buyer’s choice.
Level Job 1-85: $15 (No Items Included)
End-Game Gear Character Build: $15 (Character Not Included)
To order – contact me in the chat box in the bottom right, or join me on discord for quick and easy access to some of the best items in Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction!
“Chaos Sanctuary Bowazon”
This Demon Slayer setup is great for running Chaos Sanctuary and killing Diablo over and over and over. You know what I am talking about, the grind.
The setup features Laying of Hand Gloves(350%ed to Demons), Fortitude Armor, a 3 socket FRW or Dex helm with ed/ias Jewels, and a level 15 Fanaticism Aura Faith Grand Matron Bow.
Merc consists of Treachery armor, Ethereal Andy Helm, and Eth Reaper’s toll for the extra damage boost from Decrepify!
Start your build today!